Integrity Research Institute (IRI) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable institution dedicated to finding, researching, and advocating new breakthrough eco-friendly technologies and scientific integrity in all energy sciences.
What We Do
Integrity Research Institute has emerging energy projects, new propulsion research, and bioenergetic therapeutic inventions. IRI's goal is to help implement advances in these three fields with our ongoing programs: Future Energy, Bioenergetics, and Propulsion.
Ready to find out more?
We have a Gold Status with Guidestar. We belong to the Association of Great NonProfits. Help us fulfill our mission by making a Tax-Deductible Donation. Networkforgood.org processes ANY amount securely and quickly. You can also help by becoming an iRi Member!

About Us
Integrity Research Institute was founded in 1991 by Dr. Thomas Valone and Jacqueline Panting Valone with the goal of helping educate the public on all the new emerging, eco-friendly technologies that can help renew our Earth. These include energy generation for power, new propulsion methods for transportation and bioelectronics for optimal health and wellbeing